Friday, August 27, 2010

Car issue

Walt returned from a trip and went to retrieve his car from the lot. That's when he learned that cars in the area...particularly new and well-sealed ones...are subject to " heat expansion". End result is when the heat builds up and/or there are dramatic temp changes, a window may explode. Normally it's a side window but not in this case. Insurance covered it but getting the shards out of the door took the repair guy over an hour and involved dismantling the whole rear hatch. Good way for one/all to spend a Friday afternoon!

Nana Rose's visit

Nana Rose was able to come out for a long weekend. Sending gifts just isn't as much fun as spoiling her in person. This included a trip to the local zoo and a new telephone toy. Caroline wasn't feeling very good one morning and was quite content to snuggle with Nana Rose on the couch.

Aunt Holly's visit

Hi all,

Sorry for the delays. Here are some updates.

Caroline's Aunt Holly was able to visit Colorado thanks to a conference. Fortunately, she was able to spend some time visiting Cindy and spoiling Caroline...who was only too happy to accept!

Here are some pictures from the visit.